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At GKA, we pride ourselves on our ability to support our clients before a recruitment project even begins.

We have distilled some of the learning we’ve acquired over the years into several resources found below which we hope will help support your RFQ, or just build your knowledge in the areas concerned.


Everything you need at your fingertips…

Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) Simplified

Navigating Integrated Care Systems to connect you with the right NHS leaders has been at the
forefront of our Fieldwork team’s efforts since their introduction. We’ve compiled what we’ve
learnt into this simplified guide, and shared how we approach connecting market research
studies with the right strategic leaders.

GKA 2025 Global Healthcare Conference Checker

With physicians attending healthcare conferences throughout the year, avoid the pitfalls of scheduling medical market research at the same time as key medical conferences.

Huw, our in-house Research Manager and Moderator

Introducing, Huw, our in-house Research Manager and Moderator.   With over 20 years’ experience, Huw’s CV showcases his expertise that drives insightful moderation, analysis, and reporting.

Therapy Area Guides

Our guides are designed to help you get to grips with a therapy area quickly and to provide you with the information you need. From incidence rates and statistics, to drug information and more, our therapy guides are packed with information to help make your project a success.

A man in front of a whiteboard at a meeting - visual metaphor for our therapy area guides

A pen in hand completing a questionnaire

5 tips for writing successful screeners for patient recruitment

Screening questions are a critical aspect of the recruitment process, with particular considerations being essential to getting it right with patients. Our guide will help you create a successful screener for your patient studies, giving you tips on:

  • Language and tone of voice
  • Pilot testing
  • Screener structure

A Market Researcher’s Cheat Sheet: A World of Jargon

We know just how overwhelming healthcare jargon can be and it can often be easy to get your CCG’s confused with your CDF’s! To help clear things up, we’ve created a healthcare jargon buster that includes:

  • An explanation of NHS terminology and acronyms
  • Clarification of therapy area specific terms
  • Simplification of market research terms

A Market Researcher’s Cheat Sheet- A World of Jargon
7 steps to success- conducting medical focus groups with patients

7 steps to success: conducting medical focus groups with patients

Recruiting patients for focus groups can often be challenging but they are a great way to generate insightful qualitative results for your medical market research. We’ve put together a guide which provides tips on how to achieve success when conducting patient focus groups…

A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing Your Sample Size

Do you need help considering the feasibility of your sample size? We’ve put together a guide to ensure that you head into the research phase of your project with confidence.

People under a maginifying glass to represent "A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing Your Sample Size"
Person in a white coat holding out an array of pills - Patient market research

A Guide To Patient Fieldwork

Applying the learning of nearly 30 years’ experience in patient market research, we’ve created a guide to successful patient fieldwork which we hope will share some of that knowledge with you.

The GKA Difference

Since 1992 we have been providing expert fieldwork services to the medical market research industry and have worked with over 250 clients globally to ensure their projects’ success. We’ve created a document, The GKA Difference, to demonstrate why we can be trusted as your fieldwork partner.

Building blocks - The GKA Way

Online interviewing with a difference…

We recruit IDIs and focus groups to be conducted securely via webcam. This facilitates virtual CL days, and ad-hoc interviews, without the travel and catering expenses associated with traditional face-to-face settings.

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