Choosing software for your healthcare market research online community March 13, 2018 Market research online communities (MROC)are becoming more and more popular in healthcare market research. The benefits can be unbeatable for researchers, allowing them to conduct research with expert HCPs or patients online in a one-to-one or group setting and enabling them to gain insights from a fresh perspective that just wouldn’t be possible with traditional methods. There are also a number of benefits for participants, too, with online communities fitting in around HCP’s busy schedules and providing a good solution for hard-to-reach, low-incidence patients or those who would prefer to take part in research from the comfort of their own home. written by GKA Read more
How to recruit hard-to-reach healthcare market research respondents March 7, 2018 It’s no secret that a market research study is only as good as its weakest respondent. After all, your respondents are fundamental to the success of your project and can be the difference between insightful results and fieldwork that falls flat. However, sourcing quality respondents can be difficult even with the most generic of target groups – and as soon as you add the additional criteria that comes with healthcare market research into the mix, recruiting respondents can become even more challenging, especially when dealing with low incidence diseases or healthcare professionals who work in niche areas. In our experience, when it comes recruiting these hard-to-reach respondents, preparation is key. Read on for our top tips on how to be completely prepared, however tricky your target audience; written by GKA Read more
Nine steps to successful healthcare market research: a beginner’s guide February 20, 2018 There’s an awful lot to consider before kicking off a healthcare market research project. From choosing a suitable incentive to picking the right methodology and recruiting your participants to verifying them, your to-do list might seem never-ending. What you need is a clear plan of action to make sure you have all bases covered – and that’s where we come in. Read on for our simple steps to market research success (you’re welcome!) written by GKA Read more
Five reasons to use online communities in your healthcare market research February 7, 2018 Market research online communities are a qualitative research method that is growing in popularity by the day. It’s easy to see why: they’re a great alternative to more traditional research methods because they can generate quality, in-depth results in a cost-effective way – and because they can be used anytime, anywhere, they can easily fit in around participants’ lives.Despite all the benefits, the healthcare sector hasn’t quite joined the party just yet, with some still expressing concerns around the success rates of MROCs in healthcare market research. However, we think MROCs are here to stay – so if you’re not yet using them as part of your healthcare market research, it’s time to get involved. Read on for our top five reasons why you need to start using MROCs today; They can save you time and money; . written by GKA Read more
Why are briefings so important in healthcare market research January 16, 2018 Ever asked your market research recruitment agency to assist with a project and then been disappointed that the respondents they found weren’t quite what you asked for? If the answer’s yes, don’t worry – it’s really easy to make sure it doesn’t happen again. The secret to recruiting great respondents is all down to successful communication – and a good starting point is making you take the time to fully brief your agency. A brief is a crucial element of every market research project, but it’s often the first thing to be dropped when it comes to the recruitment phase, the pressure is on and time is short. If you want to get the most out of your respondents and actually save time in the long run, though, a good brief is actually a pretty important step. Get it right, and your fieldwork agency or recruitment team will understand your clients’ business, the research objectives, work to deliver maximum results and avoid costly mistakes. So how do you go about successfully briefing your agency? Read on to find out; written by GKA Read more
Who’s who in transplant surgery? A medical fieldwork guide November 29, 2017 Transplant surgery is the surgical removal of an organ, tissue or blood products from a donor that is then surgically placed or infused into a recipient. It’s generally a final treatment option for end-stage diseases, conditions or injuries that haven’t improved with other medical treatments and therefore have no other options left. Kidney transplants are the most commonly performed, although transplants of the heart, liver, lungs, pancreas, intestine and even face are now available, with the majority of transplants costing the NHS up to ë£50,000[1]. After a transplant, patients usually stay in hospital for around two to three weeks, with most people being able to start returning to many of their normal activities within a few months. written by GKA Read more