5 task ideas for your next healthcare market research online community December 12, 2016 You already know that market research online communities are becoming increasingly popular in the world of research. It’s pretty easy to see why – they’re fast, cost-efficient and deliver in-depth insights easily by enabling groups of people to voice their opinions in a safe and secure setting. We’ve got a feeling that it’s only a matter of time before the same happens in the healthcare sector. The key to delivering in-depth insights in market research online communities lies in the tasks your respondents are set. Each task is created to gather insights, opinions and information – and in order to ensure your community is successful, you need to choose your tasks carefully. From using a variety of different formats to keep your participants engaged and encouraging them to think creatively to ensuring they meet the research objectives, read on for our five favourite tasks for healthcare market research online communities… written by GKA Read more
5 considerations for choosing your healthcare market research sample September 29, 2016 When starting any market research project, one of the first things you need to ask yourself is whether or not your sample size is achievable. After all, a research study can only be truly valuable if it is both reliable and representative of your audience. Selecting the ideal sample size can be tricky and should be based on solid statistics whilst at the same time being realistic for the size of the target market. That’s why it’s important to do your sample size research as early in your proposal stage as possible, to ensure you don’t have any problems with delivery further down the line. written by GKA Read more
Who’s who in fertility? A medical fieldwork guide… September 6, 2016 What is reproductive medicine? Reproductive medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and management of disorders and diseases of the reproductive organs. It is estimated that one in seven couples – that’s approximately 3.5 million people in the UK – have difficulty conceiving, making fertility a really important area for medical fieldwork. written by GKA Read more
A beginner’s guide to ethnography in patient market research July 27, 2016 Ethnography is officially defined as’a qualitative research approach that involves relative submersion into the setting to be studied‘- or, to put it more simply, it’s when researchers observe participants in their own environment to learn first-hand their opinions and how they behave. With its roots in anthropological study, ethnography is helpful in a number of research areas, but especially so in patient market research because it allows researchers to get right to the heart of how patients think, behave and feel in an environment they are comfortable in. Ethnography gives the rich insights you can achieve through traditional qualitative research but in a natural setting where participants can really open up – which can be incredibly beneficial when it comes to some of the sensitive subjects touched upon in medical market research. written by GKA Read more
Who’s who in mental health? A medical market research overview July 14, 2016 The lowdown Despite the stigma still surrounding it, mental health problems are incredibly common in the UK. In fact, it is estimated that 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year, making mental health the largest cause of disability in the UK.Of those that do suffer from mental health issues, women are more likely than men to have a common mental health problem and are also twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Sadly, despite mental health problems affecting a quarter of the population, government funding has fallen in recent years. written by GKA Read more
3 top tips for recruiting nurses in healthcare fieldwork June 30, 2016 Recruiting nurses for healthcare fieldwork can be something of a tricky task. Despite there being a total of 377,000 nurses in NHS England, issues such as workloads and time restraints can result in more resistance to market research invitations than we have seen in the past. Added to geographical limitations that can naturally occur with focus groups or face to face interviews and of course the difficulty of recruiting specialist nurses in rare therapy areas, and it’s easy to see why recruiting nurses can be a challenge for even the most competent market research recruitment team. So, what can you do to make recruitment easier? Read on for our top tips; written by GKA Read more