Disease areas for patient-focused healthcare market research… October 31, 2014 Healthcare market research agency GKA, conducts patient fieldwork in a broad range of therapy areas. GKA has extensive experience in larger disease areas, such as diabetes, asthma and oncology, and the expert team routinely recruits patients with conditions as diverse as haemophilia, HIV/AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, obesity, epilepsy, fibromyalgia and Parkinson’s disease. written by GKA Read more
Facing challenges in patient market research… October 30, 2014 For more than 20 years, our team has established an industry-leading track record and robust reputation in identifying and recruiting patients for healthcare market research studies. The challenges in finding the right patients for the right study are many… written by GKA Read more
What is the value of patient market research? October 30, 2014 A deeper understanding of the patient experience is invaluable for pharmaceutical companies seeking to deliver next generation therapies. After all, patients have a unique perspective on disease and treatment, a view that is often ignored and always very different from the experience of the healthcare professionals who treat them. written by GKA Read more
Creating the Wiki of Medical Fieldwork… October 29, 2014 Recognising the value of the knowledge acquired by all of its colleagues across the years, medical fieldwork agency GKA has built its own internal Wiki comprising rich data not easily found anywhere else. written by GKA Read more
Real-life patient case studies in healthcare market research… October 27, 2014 Medical market research fieldwork agency, GKA, has a long track in recruiting patients for a wide range of research studies. Below are some recent patient healthcare market research projects… written by GKA Read more
Making the impossible possible in healthcare market research October 24, 2014 Picture the scenario. Your client wants additional healthcare market research amongst a cluster of hard-to-reach Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs). He wants it now but he “has no budget”. Yet, given the condition’s low incidence, the KOLs will be spread far and wide and this will make convening a focus group difficult, costly and time-consuming, won’t it? written by GKA Read more