CCGs: four years on and what’s changed? October 3, 2013 Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) were created following the Health and Social Care Act in 2012 and replaced Primary Care Trusts on 1st April 2013. With 207 CCGs in England, these clinically-led statutory NHS bodies are responsible for the planning and commissioning of healthcare services in their local area and are responsible for getting the best possible health outcomes for the local population by assessing needs and buying in services from different providers. Or, to put it simply, it’s a group of GPs that is responsible for managing and improving the health of their local area. Since their introduction four years ago in 2013, we’re taking a look at how CCGs are working and what the future holds; written by GKA Read more
Who’s who in AMD? A healthcare market research overview… September 12, 2013 Age Regulated Macular Degeneration, or AMD as it’s also known, is a common eye condition and the leading form of central vision loss in the UK, currently affecting more than 600,000 people. By 2020, it’s predicted that 700,000 people will have late stage AMD in the UK, making it a fast growing area in healthcare market research. AMD develops when the macula, a small spot near the centre of the retina that is required for sharp, clear vision, is damaged. In some people, AMD advances so slowly that vision loss doesn’t occur for a long time, whereas in others it progresses quickly and may lead to a loss of vision in one or both eyes. written by GKA Read more
How to source the best participants for medical market research August 15, 2013 No matter how much planning you do and whatever measures you put in place, a medical market research project is only as strong as its weakest respondent. Your respondents are the fundamental foundation for any successful project, the thing that can transform your research project from a good one into a great one. But how do you ensure your sample of respondents is a good one? written by GKA Read more
Four steps for expert validation in patient market research August 3, 2013 Once you’ve carefully selected your recruits ready for your patient market research project,next up you need to verify them to make sure they really are who and what you want for your market research study. Validation is an important part of the market research process; although on paper someone might appear to be the perfect participant for your study, validation gives you a chance to dig a little deeper. Sure, first impressions count – but you need to be certain that your first impression was correct. written by GKA Read more
Top questions to ask your medical market research supplier July 13, 2013 Whatever the size or subject of your medical market research project, in order to get the most out of your market research you’ll need to carefully choose the best supplier for you. Your market research supplier should be fully briefed, understand your business, your research objectives and appreciate the work you are doing and why you are doing it – and the clearer you are with them from the beginning. The higher chance you have of securing the right participants for your research. Want to find out more? Read on for our top questions to ask your market research supplier; written by GKA Read more
Why tech can transform your medical market research July 11, 2013 From smartphones to laptops and emails to social media, whether you’re in the office or at home – there’s not a single aspect of our lives that doesn’t involve technology. Today’s technology enables researchers to gather a wealth of in-depth information, allowing them to get a true insight into respondents’ lives, thought and feelings, instantly empowering researchers and enabling them to understand more than ever before. Read on to discover how you can use tech to transform your medical market research written by GKA Read more