Entering the brave new world of mobile for healthcare market research October 28, 2010 Since Green Book identified research using mobile devices as the fastest growing methodology in 2011, mobile research has rapidly grown from novelty to a mainstream of market research. In the most recent GRIT report (Winter 2013), 45% of respondents said they planned to use online communities in the future, 42% to use mobile surveys and 36% to use social mobile analytics, leading the GRIT authors to conclude: “The optimism towards these techniques is officially a trend.” written by GKA Read more
The mobile revolution and its impact on healthcare market research October 28, 2010 The mobile revolution is transforming all our lives in ways we could not have imagined ten years ago. Its impact on the world of market research has been no less revolutionary, with many commentators reporting that mobile has fundamentally changed the relationship between researcher and participant by moving from’questions and answers’ to an ongoing dialogue. Some have called it the “democratisation of marketing”, as we hand over the tools and the power to respondents. written by GKA Read more
Capture valuable insights with medical market research moderation October 26, 2010 When it comes to capturing the most valuable insights from respondents in focus groups or in-depth interviews for healthcare, an effective medical market research moderator is essential. But what makes a good moderator? written by GKA Read more
Mobile meets MROCs; a match made in heaven? October 26, 2010 Researchers have interacted and collaborated with populations of respondents using Market Research Online Communities (MROCs) since their inception as part of Web 2.0. By cultivating a’community’ environment, researchers can monitor the continuous interaction between participants, using highly interactive studies to build up a picture of real behaviour in real time. written by GKA Read more
Mobile medical market research for real-life insights… October 26, 2010 The skyrocketing uptake in the use of mobile devices is transforming medical market research by offering a tantalising glimpse into the lives of patients and healthcare professionals. Respondents like the convenience of using the device in their pockets and enjoy doing tasks that engage their creativity, and researchers like the high response rates and fast access to accurate, lower-cost data. Yet, to harness the power of mobile and capture genuine insights into participants’ behaviour and opinions, researchers need access to a flexible and robust mobile platform. written by GKA Read more
Who was the first person diagnosed with MS? October 23, 2010 In the 19th century, George the III’s grandson was thought to have multiple sclerosis (MS) The field of MS has come a long way since then. In fact, with the addition of new cutting-edge therapies over the last few years, it is one of the most fast-moving, and exciting fields to be working in. At GKA we’ve certainly seen a vast change over the 25 years we have been conducting medical fieldwork in multiple sclerosis. written by GKA Read more