How to work out a realistic timescale for your patient market research recruitment May 29, 2019 Patients have a completely unique view on diseases and treatment. Their perspective is often very different to the physicians that treat them due to the intimate relationship they have with the conditions they are living with, as well as their personal experience of a range of therapy options. As a result, patient market research can provide a huge amount of in-depth insight into what it’s like living with these diseases, which can help healthcare professionals and pharma companies see things from a new perspective. written by GKA Read more
The essential fieldwork checklist: how to make sure your medical market research is a success May 16, 2019 Healthcare market research recruitment can be a bit of a challenge. With strict criteria, low-incidence rate diseases and hard-to-reach patients to think about, it’s no wonder healthcare market research recruitment can be a challenge for even the most experienced researcher. And that’s before you add time-pushed healthcare professionals into the mix, too! written by GKA Read more
From GPwSIs to GPwERs: what’s the difference between the two? May 3, 2019 In 2000, the NHS proposed a new role: the GP with a Special Interest (GPwSI). The plan was for this new type of GP to work as part of locally integrated services by providing intermediate care and relieving the pressure on consultants. GPwSIs came into effect in 2006, however, in 2015 the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) agreed on the term GP with an Extended Role (GPwER) instead. This new definition includes all those previously referred to as GPwSIs, with the main difference between the two being that individual GPs themselves are now accredited, as opposed to the service and the premises where the GPs work. But what do GPwERs do, why are they needed, and how can they help with healthcare market research recruitment? written by GKA Read more
Who’s who in COPD? A medical fieldwork guide April 15, 2019 The lowdown Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for a group of lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties. It occurs when the lungs become inflamed, damaged, or narrowed, and one of the main causes is smoking – although the condition can affect those who have never smoked. written by GKA Read more
Mind the gap: gender pay gap in the NHS April 11, 2019 The issue of gender pay gaps is nothing new. In fact, national gender pay gap data has been collected for years – and the UK has actually made significant progress over the last 50 years, moving from a median gap of 47.6% in 1970 to 16.8% in 2016. Last year, along with over 10,000 other organisations across the country, as part of a requirement of the 2017 amendment to the 2010 Equality Act, English NHS organisations employing more than 250 people published headline details of their gender pay gap. written by GKA Read more
How to manage market research out of hours March 20, 2019 When conducting healthcare market research, it’s not uncommon to need to carry out research out of hours, especially when engaging with healthcare professionals with antisocial working hours or even just fitting in around patients’ busy lives. Whether you’re conducting an in-depth interview or a market research online community, a focus group or an ethnographic study, all out of hours market research requires careful organisation to ensure that your study goes off without a hitch. From scheduling to software testing, here are a few of our tried and tested tips to make sure your healthcare research runs as smoothly as possible. written by GKA Read more