Who’s who in head and neck cancer – a healthcare fieldwork guide October 2, 2018 The lowdown Head and neck cancer is a relatively uncommon type of cancer – however with around 12,000 new cases diagnosed in the UK each year it is a growing area for healthcare fieldwork research. There are more than 30 areas within the head and neck where cancer can develop, including the mouth and lips, voice box (larynx), throat (pharynx), salivary glands, nose and sinuses and the area at the back of the nose and mouth (nasopharynx). written by GKA Read more
The future of AI in healthcare September 25, 2018 Technology is transforming every aspect of our lives, from our personal lives to our professional lives – and of course, it’s completely transforming our health too. Thanks to the rise of health apps, smart monitors and even smart pills (yes really!) technology has had a huge impact on the healthcare industry in recent years. It’s putting the patient in control, resulting in a new, patient-centric style of healthcare that’s influencing everything from diagnosis to decision making and delivering better, more efficient care. From capturing data in real-time to analysing feedback and empowering patients, technology such as AI is truly transforming the healthcare fieldwork industry as we know it. In this blog we look at artificial intelligence, its impact on healthcare and how it’s changing the medical landscape forever; written by GKA Read more
What does the GRIT report mean for healthcare market research? September 20, 2018 The GRIT (Greenbook Research Industry Trends) report is one of the leading surveys of the healthcare market research industry. The latest version was the biggest GRIT report to date, with 3930 interviews conducted with researchers across the globe, making it an incredibly useful resource that allows us to understand where the industry is now, where it’s going in the future and what researchers need to do in order to adapt to change and keep ahead of the competition. Whilst the report isn’t specific to healthcare market research alone, looking at wider industry trends can nevertheless help healthcare researchers stay on top of what’s going on in the industry as a whole and apply these trends to the healthcare field in order to remain ahead of the game. written by GKA Read more
Five easy ways to increase engagement in medical market research online communities September 20, 2018 If you want to access hard-to-reach respondents and target audiences with specific criteria, qualitative market research online communities are a great methodology. They’re a fast, efficient way for researchers to unlock in-depth insights and have a number of benefits for healthcare market researchers too: there are no geographical restrictions, they can fit into respondents’ everyday lives and they can also act as a kind of support group, allowing patients to come together and share their experiences. However, an ongoing concern with medical market research online communities is how to maximise engagement and ensure they consistently deliver the very best results. From initial low response rates to respondents losing interest during the research itself, uninterested and disengaged respondents can have a big impact on your results – and not in a good way! So, what can you do to increase engagement in your healthcare market research? Read on to find out; written by GKA Read more
Five common medical market research fails – and what you can do to avoid them! August 20, 2018 There’s a lot to think about when it comes to conducting a market research project. And when you add in the specific criteria of healthcare market research, combined with looming deadlines, hard-to-reach participants and time pressures, it’s easy to see why mistakes are made. But when it comes to medical market research, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail – so it’s really important that you are aware of any potential pitfalls before embarking on your study. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, we’ve seen it all – so without further ado, here are the five most common medical market research fails we see (and our suggestions on what you can do to avoid them!) written by GKA Read more
Why online communities are great for hard-to-reach patients August 13, 2018 It can often be difficult to source quality respondents for patient market research. Not only do you need to plan your research to fit in with your patients’ lives, but there’s often specific criteria to meet as well. From those living with low-incidence rate diseases that are often spread out across the country to projects targeting those who take a particular type of medication, or even newly-diagnosed patients, healthcare market research is notorious for its niche audiences. However, thanks to the rise of digital methods such as online communities, barriers are being broken down – making the lives of researchers that little bit easier. Read on to find out why online communities are the perfect methodology for engaging with hard-to-reach respondents in patient market research; written by GKA Read more