How the NHS budget is changing April 26, 2021 The NHS budget is in a constant state of flux. Every change results in a new announcement on what is being added to the NHS and what is taken away. However, it’s not only important to understand that it is changing, but essential to know how it’s changed. Since 1948 the NHS has stood strong in the UK, providing free medical care to those who need it. So, let’s take a look at the NHS and its budget. How Is The NHS Funded? 98.8% of NHS funding comes from the taxes and national insurance that the public pay. The other 1.2% is made up of patient charges which are counted as anything that the patient directly pays for but isn’t covered in the mandate. This includes things like dental care and prescription charges. Or, when you go to hospital and you have to pay the parking fees; these can be included in that 1.2% as well. Back to blogs Huw Davies, Research Manager