Should I offer an incentive to my market research participants? February 14, 2013 One of the questions we’re asked most frequently is “Should I include incentive or reimbursement as part of a medical market research programme?” To which our answer is almost always “Yes.” And that’s equally applicable to research programmes in which the participants are healthcare professionals and those which talk to patients. After all, the former are giving valuable insights and time from their extremely busy schedule, while the latter can sometimes be volunteering personal and occasionally sensitive information. Due to how busy these types of people are, there are often limited numbers that are willing to participant in medical market research, making them harder to recruit. Therefore, you may need to match your incentive to the difficulty level of recruiting these participants to ensure your maximum success of your healthcare research project.That’s not to say that there aren’t pros and cons to using incentives – and of course, even if you’ve decided to use them, there’s still plenty to think about. In this blog you’ll find a good overview of everything you need to consider before or during your research when it comes to incentives. What is an incentive? Back to blogs written by GKA